Elective Module

Elective module courses are part of digital humanities elective module and are geared towards all MA and PhD students in the field of humanities or other relevant fields. BA students are also welcome to take the courses. Students can take single courses or the whole module.

Aim of the module is to provide an overview of the different possibilities, methods, and approaches in digital humanities while integrating these to the specific interests and needs of the student. Courses are focused on developing practical skills. Students can learn data analysis, programming, database principles and corpora, applications for spatial data and research reproducibility etc. Most courses do not require any previous knowledge of the topic.

At the moment the whole elective module can be found in Study Information System under Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics MA curriculum, but it is open to and very welcoming for everyone.

Elective module courses

2023/24 autumn semester digital humanities elective module courses in English

Digital humanities courses in English (not in the BA minor nor the MA module)

"Methods of extracting keywords and topics from text collections" (Maciej Eder)

The workshop will offer an introduction to information extraction methods from collections of written texts.

DIGIHUM Talk: Andra Siibak

"From artificial intelligence to artificial stupidity. Mapping the dominant enthusiasms and concerns related to the use of AI technologies in education"
students in library smiling

ReproducibiliTea journal club