Elective module courses

HVAJ.02.003Databases of History (3 ECTS)
HVEE.00.016Data Science and Digital Humanities (6 ECTS)
FLAJ.02.137Digital Archives and Records Management (3 ECTS)
HVEE.04.004Processing Estonian Language in Python (6 ECTS)
HVHV.00.001Applying GIS in the Humanities (3 ECTS)
HVEE.04.007Analysing Text Corpora (3 ECTS)
HVEE.04.008Digital Data in the Humanities (3 ECTS) (in English)
FLFL.00.009Basics of Quantitative Data Analysis for the Humanities with R (3 ECTS)
HVHV.00.007From Paper to Computer (3 ECTS)
MTAT.03.236Introduction to Programming (3 ECTS) (in English)
MTAT.03.256 Introduction to Programming II (3 ECTS) (in English)
HVHV.00.002Introduction to Digital Humanities (3 ECTS) (in English)
HVEE.04.006Introduction to R and Data Structures (3 ECTS)
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