Topic: studies

Starting Monday, you can study at night in the library once again
The first week of the traditional night library will take place this year from 9 to 13 December, when students can study in the library until midnight. In January, you can visit the night library for three weeks. 
05. December 2024 studies
"Methods of extracting keywords and topics from text collections" (Maciej Eder)
The workshop will offer an introduction to information extraction methods from collections of written texts.
25. April 2023 studies
DIGIHUM Talk: Andra Siibak
"From artificial intelligence to artificial stupidity. Mapping the dominant enthusiasms and concerns related to the use of AI technologies in education"
14. April 2023 studies
TÜ Digihum Talks series served as a venue for talks on a wide range of topics in digital humanities with speakers from Estonia and elsewhere.
10. November 2022 studies
ReproducibiliTea journal club
. ReproTea is a journal club started at the Oxford University in 2018. The goal is to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.
02. November 2022 studiesresearch
DIGIHUM Talk: Nina Tahmasebi
2nd December: Nina Tahmasebi (University of Gothenburg) "Strengths and Pitfalls of Large-Scale Text Mining for DH" (Zoom)
11. October 2022 studies
DIGIHUM Talk: Maciej Eder
18 November: Maciej Eder (Institute of the Polish Language) TBA (Zoom)
11. October 2022 studies
DIGHUM Talk: Artjoms Šela
Hexameters, genres and geniuses: formal approaches to the relationship between poetic meter and meaning in European verse
11. October 2022 studies
New academic year of the University of Tartu starts with a student demonstration
On Monday, the opening ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year takes place in front of the University of Tartu main building. Everyone is invited to rally in support of higher education funding.
24. August 2022 studies
Elective module courses
Elective module courses.
09. May 2022 studies